May is Mental Health Awareness

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, but it shouldn’t be just another recognition month that gets lost in the social media scroll. It’s a crucial time to stop and ask ourselves some important questions:

  • How am I doing mentally?
  • How are the people I care about doing?
  • What resources do we need to thrive?

We all deserve to feel good and live fulfilling lives. While there are things outside our control, there’s also a lot we can do to support ourselves and others, especially young people.

Spread the Word and Take Action

This year, Mental Health America has an amazing free toolkit available in English and Spanish! It’s packed with resources like tip sheets, social media graphics, and more. Check it out and share it widely!

Local Resources at Your Fingertips

Looking for resources closer to home? The County Office of Education’s Mental Health Month “Knowledge, Resources & Inspiration” webpage is a great place to start. This resource, developed last year, offers a wealth of information, including:

Essential Local Crisis Contacts

Please keep these essential local crisis contacts on hand:

  • Santa Cruz County 24-Hour Suicide Crisis Line: 9-8-8 OR 1-877-663-5433 (ONE LIFE)
  • Santa Cruz County 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-800-952-2335 (for immediate crisis support and assessment for hospitalization)
  • Crisis Resources One Pager (English and Spanish)
  • NAMI Santa Cruz County Help Line: 831-427-8020 (English) and 831-205-7074 (Spanish) (for individuals and families affected by mental illness seeking information and support)