Live Scan Fingerprinting Service
All fingerprinting services will be by appointment only:
Please make your Live Scan appointment with LaDawn Holliday Tilmon at 831-466-5600 or lholliday@santacruzcoe.org
Appointments slots are Monday through Friday as followed, based on availability:
Morning: 8:30am to 11:30am
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICTS ONLY will have walk-in hours from 1:30pm to 4pm, Monday through Friday.
Please be advised of the following schedule changes for November:
- November 27th – 29th: The COE will be closed in observance of Thanksgiving Week.
The Applicant is required to present the following:
Request for Live Scan Service Form provided by the requesting agency. Form must be completed legibly.
One of the following acceptable forms of Identification
- Valid Driver’s license
- Valid Photo ID card issued by federal, state, or local government.
- Valid School Photo ID card
- Valid U.S. Military Photo ID card
- Valid U.S. Passport with photograph
- Valid Alien Registration Receipt Card with photograph
Any Required Applicable Fees: Credit cards, debit cards, personal checks or money orders accepted. No cash.
Applicant should contact their respective employing or licensing agency if they have questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Live Scan work?
- The Identix TouchPrint Live Scan workstation is a fingerprint system that produces records by electronically scanning and capturing rolled fingerprints. The electronic fingerprints will be transmitted directly to the State Department of Justice with an anticipated three to five working days response period. The requesting agency will receive electronic notification of applicant background data. The Santa Cruz County Office of Education does not receive applicant data for anyone other than Santa Cruz COE employee candidates.
I have been fingerprinted before with a different agency/employer. My prints are in the system. Can you use those fingerprint results?
- No. For your privacy protection, personal background information cannot be shared between agencies. The Department of Justice requires each applicant be re-fingerprinted by each employing agency.
Can I get Live Scan fingerprint at a different agency?
- Yes, you may go to any Live Scan agencies that offer electronic transmission to the Department of Justice.
Where do I get the Request for Live Scan Service form?
- The agency requesting your clearance should provide you with the proper Live Scan form.
How much do you charge?
- Specific fees are charged based on the type of background check requested. In addition, the Santa Cruz COE charges a rolling fee of $25.00 per applicant.
Where are you and how can I get direction to your office?
- Our address is: 400 Encinal Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 – Human Resources Department
What should I bring to my fingerprinting appointment?
You must bring the following:
- Request for Live Scan Service form
- Debit or Credit Card, Money Order or Cashier’s Check payable to SCCOE. No Cash.
- Valid – federal, state or local government picture ID (Driver’s license, passport, etc.)
Where do I get Money Orders?
- Bank
- Post Office
- Grocery Store and Convenience Store