Approved Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAPs)


As per Education Code 52065:
(b) A county superintendent of schools shall:

  1. Prominently post on the homepage of the internet website of the county office of education any local control and accountability plan approved by the county board of education, and any updates or revisions to a local control and accountability plan approved by the county board of education.
  2. Prominently post all local control and accountability plans submitted by school districts and charter schools, or links to those plans, on the internet website of the county office of education.
  3. Transmit or otherwise make available to the Superintendent all local control and accountability plans submitted to the county superintendent of schools by school districts and charter schools, and the local control and accountability plan approved by the county board of education.

(c) A county superintendent of schools shall:

  1. Post links to all local control and accountability plans approved by the governing boards of school districts, county boards of education, and the governing bodies of charter schools, on the internet website of the department.

district lcaps

charter school lcaps