Managing Internet Communications & IT Support
The Web Communications department is responsible for the SCCOE web site, the TICAL web site, and other program web sites such as BASTA, the Childhood Advisory Council, Child Development Resource Center, and more. In addition, we provide contract web development, web design, and web maintenance services to school districts and school sites within Santa Cruz County, as needed.

Our department is responsible for administration of web servers, database administration on those web servers, liaison with site and district web masters, maintaining the SCCOE Event calendar, posting to Facebook, Google+, maintaining a YouTube channel, monitoring Twitter Feeds, publishing email newsletters, and administration of software that showcase SCCOE programs on our front lobby monitors.
Our department is focused towards accomplishing the goal of helping the community at large understand what the County Office of Education does, generally, and the specific accomplishments and contributions of many diverse programs. The context of this job is an ever changing environment of emerging technologies and we advise on current platforms and best practices. We constantly strive to contribute to the organization by recommending, managing and implementing these technologies to accomplish the COE mission and our communication goals.