What is redistricting?
After every Census, boards elected by Voting Areas are required to review new population data and make any necessary adjustments to the boundaries of the Voting Areas represented by each trustee seated on the County Board of Education to ensure they contain nearly equivalent numbers of residents, among other criteria. Typically, the data required is released by March 31 of the year following the Census. But because of the impacts of the pandemic, the process has been somewhat delayed.
What are the current TRUSTEE VOTING AREAS?
Trustees on the Santa Cruz County Board of Education each represent one of seven Trustee Areas.

As Trustee Areas, also known as Voting Areas, are reevaluated, a number of factors must be taken into account:
- Each Trustee Area must contain nearly equal number of inhabitants.
- Each Trustee Area must comply with the Federal Voting Rights Act.
- Trustee areas should be compact and contiguous as much as possible.
- Areas should respect communities of interest, as much as possible.
- Areas should follow man-made and natural geographic features, as much as possible.
- Areas should respect incumbency, if possible.
- Other local considerations can be taken into account.
An overview of the redistricting process was presented to the Santa Cruz County Board of Education at its September 16 meeting. The Board received a presentation on existing voting areas and input on potential adjustments on October 21. Tentatively, next steps are as follows:
November 11, 2021: Draft maps of adjusted voting areas to be posted to the County Office of Education website.
November 18, 2021: Board of Education to review initial scenarios.
December 16, 2021: County Committee to review draft maps and conduct public hearing.
January 2022 (TBD Date): If needed, the Board will re-review maps, conduct an additional public hearing and select a Final Trustee Area map.
January-February 2022: Final Trustee Area Map and Descriptions to be sent to County Registrar of Voters and County Board of Supervisors.
March 1, 2022: Deadline to submit changes to County Registrars of Voters and County Boards of Supervisors.
- Resolution #21-01: Resolution of the Santa Cruz County Committee on School District Organization Approving the Maintenance of the Boundaries of the Santa Cruz Countyt Board of Education Trustee Areas Pursuant to Education Code Section 1002
- December 16, 2021, County Committee on School District Organization Meeting Materials
- October 21, 2021, Presentation to Santa Cruz County Board of Education
- September 16, 2021, Presentation to Santa Cruz County Board of Education
- A Citizen's Guide to Redistricting - Brennan Center for Justice