Language Ambassadors

children dressed in colorful outfits dancing

Language Ambassadors Expo Moves from Idea to Reality

Bonjour, konichiwa, guten-tag, buenos días, fofo, ciao, namaste… these greetings represent some of the sixteen languages heard at the first-ever Language Ambassadors Student Expos held ...
children and parents sitting in auditorium chairs

Santa Cruz County Celebrates Multilingual Students

As part of its promotion of multilingualism, the SCCOE, in partnership with county school districts, recognized almost four hundred students.
three educators standing in front of sign with umbrella on it

Area Educators Celebrate National Bilingual/Multilingual Learners Advocacy Month

Educators from Monterey, San Benito, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties gathered in Morgan Hill for the first ever Bilingual/Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month Regional Showcase.
smiling student with art in background

Santa Cruz COE Launches Language Ambassadors Program

The Santa Cruz COE Curriculum and Instruction Department is launching a new program to promote and celebrate multilingualism.
children playing with sand and teacher

Serving and Advocating for Multilingual Learners

April is National Bilingual/Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month!