Educator and Family Resources in Response to Events in Israel and Gaza

Following a devastating terror attack against Israel on October 7, 2023, and amid ongoing battles between Hamas and Israel, it is important for educators and families to understand the context and potential impacts of these events on students and the wider school community. This is of particular importance given the recent documented rise in acts of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia within California.

The resources below are provided to assist with placing these events in historical context, addressing social-emotional impacts, and promoting empathy and inclusivity within our classrooms. These resources are non-exhaustive and intended solely to support access to reliable information. Educators know their school community best and should evaluate any resource prior to use to ensure it meets their unique needs.

We would like to thank the staff at the San Diego COE for their leadership in compiling and sharing a number of the below resources at the outset of this conflict. Additional resources from San Diego COE can be found here.