image of the santa cruz county office of education logo

Youth in Action Summit 2022

This event is a peer-to-peer leadership training that is developed and hosted by the youth of Friday Night Live (FNL) and supported by FNL adult allies. The goal of this event is to provide a safe and supportive space for all youth from across Santa Cruz County to connect with one another through fun and interactive activities and workshops that build self-confidence, community, and leadership skills.
FNL is a youth leadership program that focuses on substance use prevention and offers FREE programming all year, with paid job experience for youth on Middle and High School campuses across the County. Youth can even start a club at their school, and time in FNL also counts towards Community Service Hours! If you want to learn more about FNL you can visit their website here.


Sep 10 2022


10:00 am - 3:30 pm