Upcoming student vaccine clinics offer convenient opportunities for all eligible Santa Cruz County students who have yet to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
Vaccination is safe, effective, and free, and it is a key step we can each take to keep our classrooms safe and open this fall. The CDC, California Department of Public Health and Santa Cruz County Health Officials each advise that students who are eligible (ages 12 and up) should get vaccinated against COVID-19 to protect both themselves and their communities.. For more information about COVID-19 vaccines, explore the CDC’s website here.
The Santa Cruz County Office of Education has partnered with the Santa Cruz Public Health Department to host several student vaccination clinics at locations across the county over the next two weeks. Clinics are scheduled Monday, Aug. 9, and the following Sunday, Aug. 15. Parent/guardian consent is required, which may be completed online in advance through the registration process or in-person at the clinics
Win a computer
Each participant will be automatically entered into a raffle to win a refurbished computer thanks to sponsorship from Santa Cruz Tech Exchange. Raffle prizes include chromebooks, iMacs and Windows 10 PCs. Five computer vouchers will be raffled off at each clinic location.
Upcoming clinics
August 9: Mid County and South County Options:
- 2-7 p.m.: Branciforte Middle School Multi Purpose Room, 315 Poplar Ave, Santa Cruz
- 2-7 p.m.: Sequoia High School Outside Basketball Court, 229 Green Valley Rd, Freedom
August 15: North County and South County Options
- 11 a.m.-4 p.m.: San Lorenzo Valley Elementary School Basketball Court, 7155 Highway 9, Felton
- 11 a.m.-4 p.m.: Pajaro Valley High School. 500 Harkins Slough Rd, Watsonville
To register your child for a vaccination appointment:
- Complete the consent form at sccoe.link/studentvax, then wait for a booking link email.
- If you have already completed the consent form, book your appointment at sccoe.link/bookvaccine.
If you have trouble making the appointment, please call 831-466-5900