Santa Cruz County Leads the Charge in Expanding Computer Science Education

In an ambitious push towards a future where every student is equipped to navigate and succeed in a digital world, the Santa Cruz County Office of Education is making significant strides.

Thanks to a generous grant from the California Department of Education through the Educator Workforce Investment
Grant Program, CA educators are working together to improve access and equity in computer science education. Santa Cruz County Office of Education, in partnership with the Monterey, Stanislaus, Kings, and Tulare County Offices of Education, forms the dynamic Region 5 CSforCA Mid State Collaborative. This team is a testament to the collective effort to enhance CS education within the state.

The initiative recognizes the importance of preparing educators as much as students. By providing teachers with the training, resources, and support they need, the program ensures that the delivery of CS education is both high-quality and inclusive. This approach not only broadens the reach of computer science education but also enriches the learning experience for students, making it more engaging and relevant to their lives and future careers.

The Region 5 collaborative offers free monthly educator training to all public school educators, including faculty, classified and administrative staff. Join our next virtual session Code ‘N Play: A CS House Party, on Thursday, February 15 from 4:00–5:30 pm. Check out the Seasons of CS website to learn about all Seasons of CS educator offerings across the state.

Through systemic change and a commitment to equity and access, we are teaching students how to thrive in the future—they are helping to shape it.