Save the Date: Annual Coastal Cleanup Day is on September 23rd

Please SAVE THE DATE and consider joining us on Saturday, September 23rd from 9 AM-Noon for Annual Coastal Cleanup Day.

The Santa Cruz County Office of Education and our Tobacco Use Prevention Education program is proud to partner with local nonprofit Save Our Shores for the largest volunteer event on the planet – a day when we remove the most tobacco product-related waste including thousands of cigarette butts – Annual Coastal Cleanup Day. We join forces every year with this beloved ocean conservation nonprofit, as well as our many friends at the Santa Cruz County Tobacco Education Coalition.

While the COE is proud to support and promote the entire event including all sites in our County, the TUPE team will captain a cleanup site with the Santa Cruz County Tobacco Education Coalition and focus on tobacco product waste data collection at Corcoran Lagoon at 20th Ave.

**Environmental science-related classes and clubs: Please reach out if you’d like to prepare for this event with an in-classroom presentation on the many environmental issues associated with tobacco product waste and a call to action for student led action against plastic pollution from the tobacco industry. Email: