Teachers Incorporate Tobacco Product Waste Curriculum into Classroom Programming

We wanted to give a huge shout out to our Alternative Education teachers that made this year such a success!

Classroom presentation series on environmental and social justice connections between Big Tobacco and their exploitation of people and the planet.

They go above and beyond every single day for their students and every time we step into their classrooms we feel welcomed and cared for. Thank you for creating such a beautiful learning environment for important topics while keeping students engaged and for treating us like family. We appreciate you!

Special gratitude for the following teachers, administrators, classroom aids, counselors, and substitutes during the 2022-2023 school year:

  • Marissa and Mike of Star Community School
  • Blanca, Jessica, and Steven of Sequoia High School
  • Courtney, Christine, Rachel, and Matthew of Cypress High School
  • Becca of Dewitt High School
  • Michele and Michael of El Nido High School
  • Shira of Seabright High School

Thanks to you, students were able to learn about the sustainability impacts of Big Tobacco including toxic waste, corporate pollution, environmental policy, and environmental justice.