The Wild West of AI

Artificial Intelligence is considered by some to be the current “Wild West” of technology innovation and development. So much has happened in a seemingly short amount of time, as generally occurs with technology.

The CS Team has been working diligently to explore the educational impacts of AI, looking at policy, practices, and tools related to this continually emerging technology. We invite you to attend our 🧠AI Think Tanks🧠 to give voice to your ideas, questions and wonderings about AI in our community and our classrooms. We also invite you to Save the Date for an exciting event hosted by our partners at Santa Cruz Works. Doug Erickson and his team are holding Remarkable AI on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 from 6:00–8:30 pm, with Guy Kawasaki and others as the headliners. And finally, please Save the Date for our next ThinkBig! Event, on Thursday, April 11. We’ll focus on AI in Education, and the numerous ways AI has changed our world, and will continue shaping our future.