FYSCP Resources and Links


Here you can find resources relating to our Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program, including how to get in touch with liaisons from local districts and how to sign up for our newsletter.

Dr. Faris Sabbah
Dr. Faris Sabbah
Dr. Michael Paynter, LMFT
Executive Director, Student Support Services
(831) 466-5729
Erika Hernandez
Foster Youth Services Coordinator
(831) 227-7426


Swipe left and right to see complete table if necessary
District Name Phone Email
COE Erika Hernandez 831-227-7426 ehernandez@santacruzcoe.org
Live Oak Marilyn Rockey 831-475-6333 x209 cell: 831-706-0987 mrockey@losd.ca
Pajaro Valley Unified Benjamin Slyder 831-786-2395 benjamin_slyder@pvusd.net
San Lorenzo Valley Unified Jen Lahey 831-336-9678 x114 jlahey@slvusd.org
Santa Cruz City Casey O'Brien 831-429-3410 x215 cobrien@sccs.net
Scotts Valley Unified Nadia Oskolkoff 831-438-1820 x105 noskolkoff@scottsvalleyusd.org
Soquel Union Elementary Carissa Lemos 831-464-5631 clemos@suesd.org
Small School Districts
Bonny Doon Union Elementary Fiona Campbell 831-427-2300 fcampbell@bduesd.org
Happy Valley Elementary Michelle Stewart 831-429-1456 mstewart@hvesd.com
Mountain Elementary Megan Tresham 831-475-6812 x12 mtresham@mountainesd.org
Pacific Elementary Eric Gross 831-425-7002 egross@pacificesd.org

*To sign up for a monthly e-newsletter on all issues pertaining to foster youth and education in Santa Cruz County (FYSCP News), or if you are interested in learning more about the Foster Youth Services Executive Advisory Council please contact Erika Hernandez- ehernandez@santacruzcoe.org

Local Foster and Homeless HUB Drive

CA Foster Youth Education Task Force

CA Foster Youth Education Resource Hub

Foster Youth Education Toolkit – (Alliance for Children’s Rights)

Become a Resource (Foster) Parent in Santa Cruz County

CA Foster Youth Education Law Fact Sheets (English)

CA Foster Youth Education Law Fact Sheets (Spanish)

Foster Youth Education Rights (Word document)

Placing Agencies

Family and Children’s Services-Child Protective Services
To Report Child Abuse – 24 hours A Day Please Call: 831.454.2273
1400 Emeline Avenue – Santa Cruz – 831.454.4222
500 Westridge – Watsonville – 831.763.8850
The majority of foster youth have social workers via this agency as their primary link to the court

Santa Cruz County Juvenile Probation Department
Juvenile Probation Department
3650 Graham Hill Road
Felton, CA 95018-9571
Phone: 831.454.3800
Fax: 831.454.3827
A smaller number of foster youth have a probation officer as their primary link to the court

Counseling Services

Children’s Behavioral Health
The Access Team
(includes MERT- Mobile Emergency Response Team)
1400 Emeline Ave.
Santa Cruz, CA 95060 or
500 Westridge Ave.
Watsonville, CA 95076

Many foster youth have or are eligible for counseling with Children’s Behavioral Health.

Encompass Community Services
Phone: 831.469.1700
380 Encinal St., Suite 200
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Email: info@EncompassCS.org or contact HERE

Encompass is one of the largest contractors with county providing mental health services.

Transition Age Youth

Transition Age Youth (TAY)/Independent Living Program

AB 2121 graduation waiver form (Word document)

Higher Education

Cabrillo Guardian Scholars

UCSC Renaissance Scholars

California College Pathways

California Chafee Grant for Foster Youth

Financial Aid Guide for California Foster Youth

State Contacts

California Department of Education – Foster Youth Services Coordinating Programs
This site hosts the state office concerning foster youth and education which oversees K-12 county and district liaisons as well as AB 490.

Advocacy Information

CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates)
Telephone: 831.761.2956
Fax Number: 831.761.2913
813 Freedom Blvd.
Watsonville, CA 95076

Many foster youth have a CASA. They are often the best, most consistent advocate the foster youth can have.

Youth Advisory Board
A youth-led advisory council that provides community advocacy. Call 831.226.3536 for more info.

CA Foster Care Ombudsperson
If you are experiencing any difficulties or problems at the local level, contact the Foster Care Ombudsperson. This person will help you with the various agencies. This is also an excellent site for a multitude of other resources, such as acquiring a copy of your foster youth verification letter.

Foster Care Help Line
You can also call the Foster Care Helpline. Their toll-free number is 1.877.846.1602

Trauma Informed Care

Get access to the Trauma-Informed Practices for Schools (TIPS) Drive Learn More!

John Burton Advocates for Youth (JBAY) Publications and Guides

The Invisible Achievement Gap

AB 740 (2022)

Amends EC § 47605, 47605.6, 48432.5, 48853.5, 48911, 48911.1, 48915.5, and 48918.1. It requires that a foster child’s educational rights holder, attorney, and county social worker and an Indian child’s, as defined in Section 224.1 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, tribal social worker and, if applicable, county social worker shall have the same rights a parent or guardian of a child has to receive a suspension notice, expulsion notice, manifestation determination notice, involuntary transfer notice, and other documents and related information.

The FosterEd Liaisons will support in ensuring that schools have the correct contact information when incidents occur.