A Semester of Growth: Medical Assisting Students Hone Clinical Skills

Throughout the second semester, our Medical Assisting students have dedicated themselves to mastering the clinical skills essential for their future careers. This intense focus has been an integral part of their training, and over the past several months, they have been immersed in the practical application of principles such as pharmacology, pharmacology math, medication administration, and infection control.

Mastering the Basics and Beyond

The journey began with foundational skills, where students engaged in calculations and conversions necessary for administering injections. They practiced injections using saline solutions on one another, which not only honed their technical abilities but also fostered a deep understanding of patient care and empathy. Additionally, they actively used medical terminology, ensuring that their communication within a clinical setting is precise and professional.

Real-World Practice in Mock Clinics

As their skills developed, the students took part in mock clinics throughout February. These simulated environments provided a variety of scenarios that challenged them to apply their knowledge in realistic settings. Scenarios included performing venipuncture and conducting urine analysis within a simulated urgent care context. These exercises were designed to mirror the complexities and pressures of actual clinical environments, preparing students for the demands of their future roles.

Specializing and Documenting

With the class concluding in May, the focus has shifted towards refining documentation skills. Students are now implementing medical terminology and abbreviations with precision. This phase of their training includes presenting in specialty clinics such as orthopedics and endocrinology, where they can demonstrate their expertise and adaptability in more focused medical fields.

Looking Ahead

As the semester draws to a close, the CALS team is thrilled to celebrate the accomplishments of the 2023-2024 Medical Assisting class.

For those interested in joining this rewarding program, applications for the Medical Assisting course will be closing at the end of May. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of a program that equips you with the essential skills and experiences to excel in the healthcare industry.