Career and Adult Learning Services


Career Advancement Charter (CAC): Empowering Adult Learners in Santa Cruz County

The Career Advancement Charter (CAC) program offers adult learners the unique opportunity to earn their high school diploma while building essential academic and technical skills ...
two dental students sitting with uniforms and masks on

New and Growing Programs in Medical, Dental, and Building Trades

This school year, the Santa Cruz County Office of Education (COE) is thrilled to report the strong start of our Medical, Dental, and Building Trades ...

Exploring Career Opportunities: New and Expanded CTE Courses for the 2024-2025 School Year

Career Technical Education (CTE) courses offer high school students invaluable opportunities to explore future careers across various sectors. At the Santa Cruz County Office of ...

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year from the Career and Adult Learning Services Team!

As we step into a new academic year, the Career and Adult Learning Services (CALS) team is thrilled to welcome back our students, staff, and ...

Dental Assisting Apprenticeship Program Debuts Earn and Learn Model

The Santa Cruz County Office of Education (Santa Cruz COE), in partnership with nonprofit Dientes Community Dental Care, is proud to announce the launch of ...
Elisa Morales and family

‘Lograr mis sueños’: Career Advancement Charter Graduate Shares Story

Mi nombre es Elisa V. Morales. Una de las razones por la cual yo decidí estudiar y aprovechar la ayuda que me brindó el programa ...

The Wildland Fire Academy: A Successful First Year

The inaugural year of the Wildland Fire Academy has come to a close with the successful completion of two cohorts, marking a significant milestone in ...

Celebrating the Success of the Building Trades Pre-Apprenticeship (BTPA) Program’s 6th Cohort

We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of our 6th cohort in our Building Trades Pre-Apprenticeship (BTPA) Program. With three productive sessions at our ...

A Semester of Growth: Medical Assisting Students Hone Clinical Skills

Throughout the second semester, our Medical Assisting students have dedicated themselves to mastering the clinical skills essential for their future careers. This intense focus has ...

Innovative Apprenticeship Initiative in Dental Assisting

The Santa Cruz County Office of Education is thrilled to announce its participation in a groundbreaking Apprenticeship initiative. As part of this program, we aim ...

Exciting New Additions to Santa Cruz County Career Technical Education for 2024-2025

With the growing demand and interest in Career Technical Education (CTE) courses, the COE is thrilled to announce several new and expanded programs for the ...

Exploring AI’s Transformative Potential in Education

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various sectors, and education is no exception. Its transformative potential is reshaping both teaching and learning experiences, making them more ...