CALS Team’s New Partnership with Career Highways

The CALS Team is excited about our new partnership with Career Highways. Career Highways provides students with an AI-Based Career Development toolset free for students for life. Students in our CTE program will have access to college & career exploration curriculum, career development tools, and an amazing ecosystem of jobs, employers, training, education, and resources. To help prepare our students for our new professional exit interviews program at the end of the year, our instructors will be utilizing the web-based Lifetime Digital Portfolio and Resume builder.

In addition, Career Highways has:

  • Over 1,000 careers across every sector for your exploration
  • Over 140,000 educational programs from over 5,000 institutions – all mapped to the careers you are interested in, pick a Career and easily search all of the educational programs in a geographic area that will help prepare you for that career
  • Over 3.5M jobs from 20k+ employers across the country – also all mapped to the careers you are interested in, pick the Career(s) you are interested in and search for jobs or employers that are part of that career or will help prepare you for that career.

With the CALS team continuing to aim to provide students as many resources as possible to help prepare them for careers in the future, this partnership will enhance their CTE experience.