multilingual learner toolkit
This is a curated, vetted collection of resources that can support you and your educators in considering research-based instructional strategies for supporting multilingual learners in PreK – grade 3.
As you know, the California Department of Education (CDE) supports the implementation of Universal PreKindergarten (UPK). UPK includes the expansion of the state’s mixed delivery system to provide early education opportunities to three- and four-year-old children and meet the needs of their families, including Universal Transitional Kindergarten which will be available for free to all four-year-old children by 2025–2026.
It is our pleasure to share new materials you can use in communications on UPK with implementers, leadership, and staff. These materials include:
- California Universal PreKindergarten logo and brand guidelines shares our UPK branding materials and instructions on how to use them. It also provides some information about how to personalize the logo for use with your own organization’s logo and materials.
- PowerPoint Presentation – This presentation is designed to provide a high-level overview of UPK for local educational agencies (LEAs) and community-based partners delivering state-funded UPK services, and leaders making decisions about how programs are structured. In the coming weeks, we will be adding additional materials for UPK providers to use directly with families.
What’s included in UPK: This document shares language and imagery from the PowerPoint presentation to create a consistent understanding of UPK. It is designed to give a high-level description of California’s UPK and engage readers to learn more.
These materials are designed to help share the message that California is building a future where all children have a strong and early start to inclusive education through high-quality, joyful, rigorous, developmentally informed, and coherent Preschool through Third Grade (P-3) learning opportunities to ensure they thrive in school and in life and are college and career ready.
Please share this email with any colleagues and partners who might find these materials useful in their work with UPK implementers, educators, and staff.
We are also very interested to hear how well these materials help your communications efforts and what else you may need. Please fill out our Feedback Form. If you have any questions contact us.