Highlights from Career and Adult Learning Services

The CALS team had an excellent closing to the year with various graduations celebrating our High School CTE courses, Career Advancement Charter, Building Trades Pre-Apprenticeship, Dental Assisting, and Medical Assisting. With the conclusion of a very successful year, the department is in planning mode for 2023-2024.

CAC is currently in summer school and continues to build our class rosters for the Fall. In addition, this past spring, the CAC teachers participated in a Certiport Career Certification Pilot program that we will implement for all CAC this fall. This program will provide CAC students to select an industry area, complete an online curriculum, and take a Certiport Industry Certification Exam.

The BTPA, MA, and DA programs are in the process of finalizing in-takes for the fall school year. We are also excited that Cabrillo College just recently confirmed the continuation of our Cabrillo non-credit certification program for next year for all Adult programs.

The high school CTE programs also have a great deal going on this summer as well. We are currently finalizing rosters with LEAS, completing upgrades to our internal SIS system and looking at growing new programs. Our team is in the process of providing details to LEAS concerning a new CTE Middle School Makerspace and High School Etech/Robotics Programs. We are currently working with Tech+ to build district partnerships for a SWP R6 application. In addition, we are looking at developing a new high school Dental Assisting and second Fire Tech course that are planned to be ready for Fall 2024-2025.