Register or renew your credential, find out about the Santa Cruz County Office Credential Department’s services, and explore useful resources.
Clear, Professional, or Professional Clear Credentials and 30-Day Emergency Substitute Permits MUST be renewed on-line.
Please note, this process is not available for all credentials. Only Visa or MasterCard debit/credit card payments are accepted online.
Please Call For An Appointment So That We Can Better Serve You!
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Santa Cruz County Office Credential Department Services:
- Register teaching and service credentials
- Evaluate transcripts for California Certification
- Process Child Development Permits
- Advise out-of-state teachers regarding California Certification
- Advise teachers regarding requirements for additional certification
- Process new and renewal applications
California Credential Information Web Sites:
Email address: credentials@ctc.ca.gov
The web site has credential information, downloadable credential applications, information leaflets, Professional Growth Booklets
Credential Testing WebSites:
- Bilingual Authorization
- RICA – is being retired and will no longer be offered after June 30, 2025.