Star Personalized Learning Center

Star Personalized Learning Center (Star PLC)

Star PLC is a hybrid between an Independent Studies and a Day Program; students will do some work outside of school in addition to attending classes on campus. Star PLC provides a small, holistic, and safe environment for students to grow as individuals and work towards their personal and academic goals. Students are encouraged to attend Cabrillo and CTE classes while in high school.

School-Wide Goals

In Alternative Education, we strive to become more…
Curious – Engaged, knowledge-seeking, life-long learners.
Conscientious – Kind to ourselves, compassionate with  others, responsible to our communities, and active stewards of the environment.
Confident – Self-empowered, self-actualized, community and globally active individuals.

Star PLC is located at the

Star of the Sea Church
515 Frederick St.
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone: (831) 459-9741