Annual Reports

Annual Reports To The Community

The Santa Cruz COE’s Annual Report to the Community includes an overview of our programs, priorities, and partnerships throughout the year, as well as demographic and financial information regarding the COE and Santa Cruz County students.

Printed copies of the report are available in the COE lobby and may also be obtained by contacting the Communications Department at

2023-24 Annual REPORT

Previous Years


2021-22 Annual REPORT

2020-2021 ANNUAL REport

In March 2020 the Governor declared a State of Emergency. During the pandemic, it was unclear the extent of the danger and the length of the crisis. At the end of 2019-2020 and the 2020-2021 school year, we spent most of our efforts partnering and aligning with all districts, charter leaders, private leaders, community healthcare providers, teachers, and other community partners. Through global health crises, fires, and a movement for racial justice, this journey framed so many of our decisions.