

Alternative Education Kicks Off Second Semester with Renewed Energy and Achievements

The COE kicked off our mid-year graduation ceremonies Wednesday for students attending alternative education schools in the North County. Students from Oasis High, Star Community ...

Students in Transition Program Collaborates with FosterEd to Educate Live Oak CORE Team

The Students in Transition program has joined forces with the FosterEd team to extend their outreach and knowledge-sharing efforts to districts across the county. This ...

Santa Cruz COE’s Family Engagement Night Sheds Light on the Triangulation of Vaping Cannabis, Tobacco, and Nicotine

Santa Cruz County Office of Education (COE) recently collaborated with Santa Cruz City Schools (SCCS) and several Community-Based Organizations to host a groundbreaking Family Engagement ...

Free Youth Mental Health First Aid Trainings for Community Partners

Are you a Santa Cruz County community organization serving youth ages 12-18? Are you interested in building your and/or your team’s skills to provide immediate ...

Nurturing Educators: A Transformative Journey in Strengthening Social-Emotional Skills for Effective Teaching and Leading

Twenty educators from across the country participated in an eight-week course to strengthen their social-emotional skills to deepen connections to self and others and expand ...

Integrating Restorative Practices in Santa Cruz County

Santa Cruz COE hosted a professional learning opportunity focused on Integrating Restorative Practices to Strengthen PBIS Implementation for educators and administrators across the county. We ...

Empowering Education: S5C’s Commitment to Student Voice and Collaborative Initiatives

In a bid to bridge the gap between educators and students, S5C recently hosted an insightful event on November 16th. Seventy teachers and administrators, accompanied ...

Clearing the Air Vaping Prevention Webinar Series

Smoking and vaping, both tobacco and cannabis, have emerged as pressing concerns affecting the well-being of teenagers, casting a shadow on their physical and mental ...

A Journey with Dr. Lorea Martínez at the HEART in Mind Symposium

In an era where education is constantly evolving, the need to foster thriving school environments has never been more critical. Join us at the upcoming ...
2022-23 Annual Report Featured Image

2022-23 Annual Report Released

The Santa Cruz County Office of Education is pleased to present our 2022-23 Annual Report to the Community, providing an an overview of our programs, priorities, ...

Celebrating Excellence: Rebecca Olker Nominated for CASBO’s Magnificent 7 Award

We are thrilled to share a moment of pride and celebration as we extend our heartfelt congratulations to Rebecca Olker, who has been nominated for ...

Wrapping Up a Successful Semester: CALS Team Highlights and Future Plans

As we approach the end of the semester, it’s a time for reflection and celebration at CALS. The CALS team has been hard at work, ...