

Welcome SC/SVNTP Participating Teachers

Dear  Participating Teachers,
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! Your mentor and the Santa Cruz/Silicon Valley New Teacher Project Team are pleased to work collaboratively with you to grow your skill, confidence, increase your ability to work successfully with each student, and support you to earn a California Clear Teaching Credential. 

We are excited to begin a new year with students and committed to the sustained focus on the health of our community and growing in our program vision to develop as culturally responsive antiracist educators.

As an accredited agency, the SC/SVNTP will continue to uphold the Induction standards and any requirements set forth by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. As outlined in the California Induction Standards, mentors are non-evaluative and will be collaborating with you for an average of not less than one hour each week. Our mentors look forward to thinking with you about developing self-awareness and reflection on your practice to build equitable and inclusive learning environments for each student.

We encourage you to bookmark this webpage and return often for information about Induction. 

Here are a few steps you can take to get started successfully this year:

  1. Make sure you have worked with your school/district’s HR department to complete your Enrollment Form. This form and verification from your Prep Program that pre-service requirements have been completed are reviewed by our office to ensure you are eligible for Induction. Year 2 teachers continuing with SC/SVNTP, do NOT need to submit an Enrollment Form.
  2. Attend the SC/SVNTP orientation where you will learn more about Induction. Teachers in your second year, attend the SC/SVNTP Launch where we will deepen our equity focus and understanding of what it means to be a culturally responsive antiracist educator. 
  3. Begin building a trusting and collaborative relationship with your mentor.
  4. Ask questions, share honestly, and be open to feedback. Taking this approach contributes to a worthwhile and meaningful experience.
  5. Have fun! Teaching is hard, and building strong relationships with students, families, and colleagues is resilience-building.

Please do not hesitate to ask questions of either your mentor or your Program leaders. We wish you and your students a joyful year full of growth, laughter, and learning.


Melissa Roberts, Senior Director Equity | SC/SVNTP and (Santa Cruz Director)
Candace McIsaac, Director SC/SVNTP (Silicon Valley)
Jamie Brown, Assistant Director, SC/SVNTP (Silicon Valley)
Marvilyn Quiroz, SC/SVNTP Assistant Director, (Santa Cruz)
Patrica Isaak, Senior Administrative Assistant
Sita Kaimal, Department Coordinator

the Adopted California Standards for The Teaching Profession And Individual Learning Plans


At the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) meeting in April 2024, the Commission adopted the 2024 California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP)

Program Sponsor Alert (PSA-24-06) explains the process for the revision of the CSTP and provides guidance for Induction programs in transitioning to these adopted standards.

The SC/SVNTP is transitioning to the adopted standards this fall. As noted in PSA-24-06, whenever any transition to new standards occurs, candidates must be allowed to complete their program using the version of the standards that were in place when they began their program. Therefore, teachers continuing with SC/SVNTP 

have the choice of setting goals and reflecting on growth in the adopted standards, or the 2009 CSTP. All teachers enrolled with SC/SVNTP will be introduced to and begin exploring the current standards in Orientation or Launch. Mentors will continue to investigate both sets of standards with their induction teachers and support them in identifying the standards for which they will set their professional goals.

*Individual Learning Plan (ILP) As described in the California Induction Standards, the ILP is developed in consultation with the Site Administrator within the first 60 days of enrollment in the program solely for the purposes of formative development not evaluation. Site Administrators need to work closely with mentors to provide input into the development of an ILP for each new teacher. Such input may include sharing district/site goals as well as insights on the strengths and needs of the new teacher. The ILP is revisited and revised in January and again in May to ensure continued growth towards goals.

*The continua for the 2024 Adopted CSTP are in development. Check back here or check with your mentor for updates.


The Participating Teacher Agreements are required for participation in the SC/SVNTP Induction Program. The Google Form at the bottom of the agreements is now live. After reviewing the agreements with your mentor, sign the agreements. 

2024-25 SC/SVNTP ToolkiT

SC/SVNTP Tools are flexible graphic organizers designed to guide mentoring conversations and foster teacher practice. The processes serve as artifacts of practice that reflect growth in the California Standards of the Teaching Profession (CSTP). The tools have been developed in Google Drive to allow for collaboration in a fluid manner.  These flexible graphic organizers are used to differentiate your Induction experience based on your teaching context, so there is choice and there is no set sequence for all teachers. 

Access the 24-25 SC/SVNTP Toolkit

If you are interested in learning more about the tools and processes in this Toolkit, and not currently enrolled as a participating teacher with SC/SVNTP, please feel free to reach out to Senior Director, Melissa Roberts, for more information.

Credential and program Information

TPA Exemption Update Senate Bill 114<br

On July 10, 2023,  Governor Newsom signed Senate Bill 114 (PSA-23-05)  which states the Commission on Teacher Credentialing shall exempt a preliminary credential candidate who received a waiver for the TPA pursuant to Executive Order N-66-20 (pre-service teachers impacted by the COVID 19 Pandemic). This provision takes effect immediately. Any candidate that qualified under the Executive Order and received a preliminary credential with a renewal code requiring completion of the TPA will no longer need to complete the TPA as long as they have met one or both of the following requirements:

  • (a)  The candidate completed a commission-approved induction program on or before June 30, 2025. 
  • (b) The candidate completed two years of service with satisfactory teacher evaluations on or before June 30, 2025.   

Keep in mind there are teachers who no longer need to address the TPA, and, have additional requirements, such as the RICA, and will need to meet these requirements in order to be eligible for a recommendation to clear their credential(s). 

SC/SVNTP Participating teacher handbook

It is the policy of the SC/SVNTP, as part of the Santa Cruz County Office of Education, to ensure equal opportunity without discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law. The Santa Cruz County Office of Education has Administrative Regulation and Superintendents Policies that each involve nondiscrimination in employment.