Career and Adult Learning Services

Dr. Faris Sabbah
Denise Sony Sanson
Executive Director
(831) 466-5763

cals quarterly newsletter

career tech magnet programs

career training for adults

The Santa Cruz County Office of Education Career and Adult Learning Services offers high school diploma and equivalency services for adult learners (CAC), a workforce development program for 16-24 year olds (Sueños), magnet high school programs, and career training programs for adults. We work closely with district and industry business partners to stay up to date with industry and workforce trends.

Our Mission

The Santa Cruz County Career and Adult Learning Services (CALS) provides students with the opportunity to acquire academic, career, and technical skills and to prepare for life-long learning, personal agency and success in the changing workplace.

What We Do

CALS offers a unique independent study program for adult learners across the county. Our dedicated staff works directly with students to support them in the attainment of a high school diploma. 

CALS provides high-quality career and technical education for Santa Cruz County. Our CTE program is a Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) accredited program. As a department of the County Office of Education, our CTE programs are available to interested high school students. In addition to excellent career and technical education programming, we offer a work-based learning program for our students, including internships, job shadowing, and industry-expert guest speakers. We are committed to providing unique opportunities for students to become college and career-ready. Some of our coursework offers a-g credit for college. These courses will help students complete the minimum requirements to be admitted to a California State University or a University of California. We also offer coursework that is articulated with Cabrillo College. Students in these courses can earn college credit while they are in high school. Some of our courses also offer an industry-recognized certificate upon completion which will aid in making a student instantly employable. Our current high school magnet classes include Introduction to Culinary Arts and Introduction to Fire Technology. 

CALS also offers fee-based programs for adults. Our Dental Assisting and Medical Assisting programs prepare our students to become board certified. These 10 month afternoon programs are focused on supporting students throughout their educational journey, including the important internship experience. Most students are already employed before program completion. 

Our newest adult program is the Building Trades and Pre-Apprenticeship Program (BTPA) and will begin in January 2022. This 10 week course is focused on preparing adult students to enter an apprenticeship program, continue education at Cabrillo College, or directly enter the local workforce. 

Our Sueños Program is a WIOA funded youth development program for students ages 16-24. Sueños supports students with workplace skills that will prepare them to enter and succeed in the workforce. 

CALS is dedicated to providing diverse learning environments where students become college and career ready. We are student-centered and our programs are intentionally designed to be responsive to all students’ goals and needs.  

Workforce Achievement Award title slide

Workforce Achievement Award

Dental Assisting student Melissa Hernandez was awarded the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) achievement award in October. Melissa received financial assistance from WIOA to complete the 10-month ...

Career Advancement Charter (CAC): Empowering Adult Learners in Santa Cruz County

The Career Advancement Charter (CAC) program offers adult learners the unique opportunity to earn their high school diploma while building essential academic and technical skills ...
two dental students sitting with uniforms and masks on

New and Growing Programs in Medical, Dental, and Building Trades

This school year, the Santa Cruz County Office of Education (COE) is thrilled to report the strong start of our Medical, Dental, and Building Trades ...