The School Year Ahead

Dear community member, 

It’s hard to believe, but the new school year is around the corner! Educators across our community are hard at work preparing to welcome students back into the classroom, which for most districts, is happening over the next week.

Each new school year is a chance for renewed excitement and opportunity. And here at the COE, many of our staff have been working all summer to continue developing and improving programs that support educators, students, and families across Santa Cruz County. There are far too many exciting programs and initiatives – new and ongoing – to list here. But I want to take a moment to spotlight several:

  • Career Pathways: We are continuing to expand career pathway programs to pave the way for students to find high-demand, fulfilling and family-sustaining jobs in our community. In partnership with the Central Coast K-16 Collaborative, we are developing regional pathways in health care, education. As part of this work, the COE’s Educator Pathway program is providing scholarships to classified school staff to pursue a career in teaching, while our new Dental Assisting Apprenticeship program – a partnership with nonprofit Dientes – is welcoming its first cohort of students later this month.
  • Countywide Math Initiative: The Santa Cruz County Math Initiative is kicking off in September with the goal of building teams within each school district that have the knowledge and support to fully implement the 2023 Math Framework and the Common Core Standards and continue to improve the quality of mathematics teaching and learning.
  • Student Leadership: Providing a platform for students from all backgrounds to develop leadership and advocacy skills remains a top priority. The countywide network of student groups that the COE facilitates, Youth Led Leadership Alliance, is recruiting now – with a new technology and innovation focused group joining the alliance this fall. More info to follow in the newsletter below, as well as on the YLLA website.
  • Wellness and Safety: School districts and the COE are continuing to expand mental health services for students, including through opening on-campus wellness centers, implementing countywide school safety protocols, supporting nutrition and exercise best-practices at school and at home, and raising awareness about the dangers of opioid and fentanyl.

These initiatives are powered by the invaluable support and involvement of our school community and partners, and I look forward to sharing more about each throughout the year.

Thank you so much for being part of our school community. Here’s to an inspiring and transformative school year ahead.

Yours in education and equity,
Dr. Faris Sabbah
County Superintendent of Schools