Student Support Services


Santa Cruz COE at the 2023 CA Homeless Education Conference

Erika Cortes, our Homeless Project Coordinator, was able to attend the 2023 CA Homeless Education Conference earlier this month. She described it as a refreshing, ...

Bringing Youth Mental Health First Aid to Santa Cruz County

As part of the Community Resiliency Initiative, Santa Cruz COE is training Santa Cruz County school staff in Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA). This ...

SLV Students Participate In The Real DUI Court

On April 13th, the COE coordinated the Real DUI Court in Schools Assembly at San Lorenzo Valley High School for 300 juniors and seniors. The ...

Healing Power of Horses

There is a new non-profit in town, cofounded by Foster Youth Services Coordinator Kim Corneille, that connect system-involved youth (students in foster care and/or Juvenile ...

Progress in Foster Youth Graduation Rates

FosterEd’s mission is to increase the educational outcomes for students in foster care, and one of the major focus areas over the last few years ...

Life-Saving Skills for Educators & Students

The California Department of Education, San Diego County Office of Education, and LivingWorks are offering this free 90-minute Online Suicide Prevention Training available to middle ...

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Resource Spotlight

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which all people acquire the skills to understand and manage one’s emotions, thoughts, and values and how ...

Homeless Garden Project Partnership

The Student Services Department and the COE Wellness Committee have partnered with the Homeless Garden Project’s Growing The Table initiative to both support local farmers ...

Student Support Services Update – October 2022

On October 15th, the Youth Led Leadership Alliance met for the first time this school year. We had leaders from the Queer and Trans Youth ...
image of the santa cruz county office of education logo

Schools Integrated Behavioral Health Initiative (SIBHI) – Opioids, Fentanyl, Narcan, & Youth

The Schools Integrated Behavioral Health Initiative fosters the well-being of children, youth, families and staff by increasing inter-agency coordination and supporting the development of a ...

Student Support Services Update – September 2022

The start of the school year has been busy for the Student Support Services Department! First, our Student Leadership and Engagement Coordinator, Celeste Gutierrez, is ...
Student Board Academy

2022 Student School Board Trustee Member Academy

The Student School Board Trustee Member Academy had their final training session at the Santa Cruz County Board of Education Meeting. This group of high ...