Board Policies
Note: The content of these policies and administrative regulations are generally taken directly from Education Code.
0000 Series – Philosophy, Goals, Objectives, Comprehensive Plans
1000 Series – Community Relations
- 1112 - Media Relations (BP)
- 1113 - Santa Cruz COE and School Websites (BP)
- 1114 - Santa Cruz COE-Sponsored Social Media (BP)
- 1250 - Visitors/Outsiders (BP)
- 1250 - Visitors/Outsiders (AR)
- 1312.2 - Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials (BP)
- 1312.2 - Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials (AR)
3000 Series - Business and Non-Instructional Operations
- 3100 - Budget Adoption and Revision (BP)
- 3260 - Surplus Property (BP)
- 3270 - Sale or Disposal of Books, Equipment and Supplies (BP)
- 3280 - Sale or Lease of District-Owned Real Property (BP)
- 3290 - Gifts, Grants, and Bequests (BP)
- 3320 - Claims & Actions Against the County Office of Education (BP)
- 3460 - Financial Reports and Accountability (BP)
5000 Series – Students
- 5020 - Parent Rights and Responsibilities (BP)
- 5022 - Student and Family Privacy Rights (BP)
- 5030 - Student Wellness (BP)
- 5111 - Admission (BP)
- 5113 - Absences and Excuses (BP)
- 5113.1 - Chronic Absence and Truancy (BP)
- 5116.2 - Involuntary Student Transfers (BP)
- 5118.1 - Interdistrict Attendance Appeals (BP)
- 5121 - Grades Evaluation of Student Achievement (BP)
- 5123 - Promotion, Acceleration, and Retention (BP)
- 5125 - Student Records (BP)
- 5125.1 - Release of Directory Information (BP)
- 5126 - Awards for Achievement (BP)
- 5131.2 - Bullying (BP)
- 5131.6 - Alcohol and Other Drugs (BP)
- 5131.62 - Tabacco (BP)
- 5131.7 - Weapons and Dangerous Instruments (BP)
- 5132 - Dress and Grooming (BP)
- 5137 - Positive School Climate (BP)
- 5141 - Health Care and Emergencies (BP)
- 5141.21 - Administering Medication and Monitoring Health Conditions (BP)
- 5141.22 - Infectious Diseases (BP)
- 5141.3 - Health Examinations (BP)
- 5141.4 - Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting (BP)
- 5141.52 - Suicide Prevention (BP)
- 5141.6 - School Health Services (BP)
- 5141.7 - Sun Safety (BP)
- 5142 - Safety (BP)
- 5144.1 - Suspensions and Expulsions (BP)
- 5144.3 - Student Expulsion Appeals (BP)
- 5144.4 - Required Parental Attendance (BP)
- 5145 - Response to Immigration Enforcement (BP)
- 5145.2 - Freedom of Speech Expression (BP)
- 5145.3 - Nondiscrimination/Harassment (BP)
- 5145.7 - Sexual Harassment (BP)
- 5145.71 - Title IX Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment Prevention (AR)
- 5145.71 - Title IX Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment Prevention (EX)
- 5145.11 - Questioning and Apprehension by Law Enforcement (BP)
- 5145.12 - Search and Seizure (BP)
- 5145.13 - Response to Immigration Enforcement (BP)
6000 Series – Instruction
- 6000 - Concept and Roles (BP)
- 6011 - Academic Standards (BP)
- 6020 - COE LEA Parent Engagement Policy (BP)
- 6020.1 - Title I School Level Parent and Family Engagement Policy (BP)
- 6141.2 - Recognition of Religious Beliefs and Customs (BP)
- 6146.1 - High School Graduation Requirements (BP)
- 6158 - Independent Studies (BP)
- 6158.1 - Independent Study to Implement AB 130 and AB 167 (2021)
- 6159 - Individualized Education Program (BP)
- 6163.4 - Student Use of Technology (BP)
- 6164.4 - Identification and Evaluation if Individual for Special Education (BP)
- 6164.5 - Student Success Teams (BP)
- 6171 - Title I Programs (BP)
- 6173 - Education for Homeless Children (BP)
- 6173.1 - Education for Foster Youth (BP)
- 6174 - Education for English Language Learners (BP)
7000 Series – Facilities
9000 Series – Bylaws of the Board
- 9000 - Role of the Board (BB)
- 9005 - Governance Standards (BB)
- 9010 - Public Statements (BB)
- 9012 - Board Member Electronic Communication (BB)
- 9121 - President (BB)
- 9124 - Obtaining Legal Services (BB)
- 9150 - Student Trustee (BB)
- 9200 - Limits of Board Member Authority (BB)
- 9223 - Filling Vacancies (BB)
BP = Board Policies
AR = Administrative Regulations
EX = Exhibits
DOC = Document
BB = Board ByLaw
SP = Superintendent’s Policy
Board Resolutions (2025)
Board Resolutions (2024)
- Resolution #24-01 Short Term Cash Borrowing Loans to Districts
- Resolution #24-02 Recognizing February as Black History Month
- Resolution #24-03 Proclaiming January 2024 As Human Trafficking Prevention Month
- Resolution #24-04 Authorizing The COE Into Local Agreement With The State Of California
- Resolution #24-05 Disability Awareness Month
- Resolution #24-06 Women's History Month
- Resolution #24-07 In Support of Watsonville Community Hospital, Bond Measure N
- Resolution #24-08 Recognizing April as Bilingual/Multilingual Advocacy Month
- Resolution #24-09 In Recognition of Environmental Awareness Week
- Resolution #24-10 In Recognition of National Child Abuse Prevention Month
- Resolution #24-11 In Recognition of National Arab American Heritage Month
- Resolution #24-12 Proclaiming May 1-7, 2024 For Flying the Rainbow Flag and Honoring Harvey Milk
- Resolution #24-13 In Support of Day of the Teacher
- Resolution #24-14 In Support of Classified Employees Week
- Resolution #24-15 Recognizing Jewish American Heritage Month
- Resolution #24-16 Recognizing May as Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
- Resolution #24-17 Recognizing Mental Health Awareness Month
- Resolution #24-18 Ordering an Election (Santa Cruz County)
- Resolution #24-19 Ordering an Election (Monterey County)
- Resolution #24-20 Recognizing LGBTQIA2S+ Pride Month
- Resolution #24-21 Recognizing Juneteenth
- Resolution #24-22 Establishing Fund 40 Special Reserve Fund For Capital Outlay Projects
- Resolution #24-23 Making Provisional Appointment to Fill Vacancy on Santa Cruz County Board
- Resolution #24-24 Usage of funds generated by Propositions 30 and 55, Education Protection Account (Santa Cruz County Office of Education-Alternative Education)
- Resolution #24-25 Usage of funds generated by Propositions 30 and 55, Education Protection Account (Career Advancement Charter)
- Resolution #24-26 In The Matter of Authorizing Inter-Fund Loans for Cash Flow Purposes
- Resolution #24-27 Recognizing The 15th Annual Stuff The Bus Campaign
- Resolution #24-28 In Support Of The City Of Santa Cruz Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax Proposal
- Resolution #24-29 Recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month
- Resolution #24-30 Recognizing National Suicide Prevention Month
- Resolution #24-31 In Support Of Proposition 2: Kindergarten Through Grade 12 Schools and Local Community College Public Education Facilities Modernization, Repair, and Safety Bond Act of 2024
- Resolution #24-32 Gov. Code Section 7522.56 & 21229
- Resolution #24-33 Appointmen to Fill Student Trustee Vacancy on the Santa Cruz County Board of Education
- Resolution #24-34 Sufficiency of Instructional Materials
- Resolution #24-35 Recognizing United Against Hate Week
- Resolution #24-36 Recognizing October as LGBTQ History Month
- Resolution #24-37 Recognizing October 13 through October 19 Week of the School Administrator
- Resolution #24-38 Appointmen to Fill Student Trustee Vacancy on the Santa Cruz County Board of Education
- Resolution #24-39 GANN Amendment Appropriations Limit
- Resolution #24-40 Recognizing National Native American Heritage Month
- Resolution #24-41 Recognizing November as National Homeless Youth Awareness Month
- Resolution #24-42 Authorizing Participation In Proposition 47 Grant For School Safety Initiatives By The Santa Cruz County Office Of Education
- Resolution #24-43 Recognizing Special Education Day
- Resolution #24-44 Authorizing the COE into Local Agreement with the State of California
- Resolution #24-45 School Board Recognition Month